A 60-minute, high intensity cardio & strength class that incorporates kickboxing, agility, bodyweight, and weight training workouts our professional fighter instructors use to train for their fights. FightFit is designed in a way to challenge both beginner and advanced athletes in a fun, inclusive environment. We like to keep it fresh so no two classes are exactly alike.
Learn to box or sharpen your skills with our top-notch boxing coaches in this 60-minute class. Learn combinations with mitt work and build your endurance smashing the bag. Boxing is a great, high intensity cardio workout to complement our FightFit class.
Muay thai
A 60-minute class using stand up striking with various clincing techniques. Learn a combination of fists, knees, elbows, and shins.
Kids fight fit
Athletic Development for athletes ages 6-18. Each session focuses on speed, agility, and strength training for improved on-field performance and injury prevention.
private training
Consultations available upon request.
open sparring/open mat
All skill levels and styles of combat sports.
kids boxing
A 45 minute class where kids can build their skill set and confidence. Conditioning, agility work, and boxing will strengthen children’s athleticism and work ethic.
first class is free
New to the Hot Box? Your first class is on us.